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Pension essentials
In the Fund
The Trustee looks after your interests as a member of the Fund.
It is the trustee for four railway industry pension schemes. Two of these schemes - the Railways Pension Scheme (RPS) and the British Transport Police Force Superannuation Fund (BTPFSF) - are open to new members.
The Trustee operates within a rigorous governance framework, which helps it to achieve its mission to pay members’ pensions securely, affordably and sustainably. Robust and effective governance enables fairer, more efficient decision-making.
You can out more about the Trustee, how the scheme is governed and why it matters to you, in the information below and in this short video. For reference, as of January 2025, the Case Committee referred to in the video is now known as the Member Case & Administration Committee.
The Trustee has overall responsibility for:
The Board of 16 Trustee Directors helps maintain high standards of governance for the schemes. Eight Trustee Directors are nominated by employers and eight by members. Roughly a third of the directors retire by rotation every two years, and their term of office is six years.
The experience and skills of Trustee Directors are the cornerstones of the Board. For example, directors attend Board and Committee meetings, in addition to various workshops, strategy events, and training seminars.
The current directors are listed below. And you can learn more about them by downloading our guide to the current members of the Trustee Board
Christine Kernoghan (Chair)
Nominated by: Passenger train operating companies
Term of office: 2028
Adam Golton
by: Passenger train operating companies
Term of office: 2026
Fatima Hassan
Nominated by: Network Rail
Term of office: 2026
Richard Jolly
Nominated by: Network Rail
Term of office: 2030
Richard Jones
Nominated by: All employers
Term of office: 2028
Anjali Laklani
Nominated by: Freight train operating companies and support services
Term of office: 2028
Richard Murray
Nominated by: Passenger train operating companies
Term of office: 2030
John Wilson
Nominated by: Freight train operating companies and support services
Term of office: 2026
Iain Anderson
Nominated by: Transport Salaried Staffs' Association (TSSA)
Term of office: 2030
Mick Cash
Nominated by: National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT)
Term of office: 2028
Richard Goldson
Nominated by: Retired Railway Officers' Society
Term of office: 2026
Dave Gott
Nominated by: National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) and British Railways Superannuation Fund (BRSF) Management Committee
Term of office: 2030
Charles Harding
Nominated by: Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions (CSEU)
Term of office: 2026
Peter Holden
Nominated by: British Transport Pensioners' Federation
Term of office: 2026
Howard Kaye
Nominated by: Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers & Firemen (ASLEF)
Term of office: 2028
Gary Towse
by: British Railways Superannuation Fund (BRSF) Management Committee and British Transport Police Federation
Term of office: 2028
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