Finding a lost pension could transform your future

Oct 27, 2023
1 in 20 people have a lost pension and over 26.6 billion pounds are lost in misplaced pensions, which divides roughly into 2.8 million pension pots, worth an average of £9,500.


This National Pension Tracing Day (29 October), use the extra hour of the clocks going back to see if you have a pension pot you may be unaware of.

You can visit and join the #GreatPensionTreasureHunt on to find guidance on how to trace a lost pension, and how to build your found pension pot into your retirement plan. You’ll also see real-life examples of how finding lost pensions has improved people’s lives.

The benefits

Finding a lost pension pot could make a huge difference to your life after work, giving you an immediate boost in retirement income and it could allow you to plan for a more comfortable retirement. With the cost of living crisis and prices still rising, it could make your life more comfortable now, while giving you peace of mind for the future.

It’s an opportunity you don’t want to miss.

If you don’t have a lost pension pot…

It’ll still give you the chance to pay your pension some attention, to reassess your saving habits and think about whether you could save more for life after work.

To trace a lost pension pot, follow these simple steps:

Step 1

List all places you’ve worked at over your lifetime

Step 2

Go through old paperwork and see if you have any pension statements from previous employers

Step 3

Identify any gaps. If you feel like you’re missing something, contact previous employers to find out if you had a pension you might not be aware of

Step 4

Use the free Pension Tracing Service provided by the government at

Once you’ve done this, use the online tools

Retirement Budgeting Calculator

If you trace a lost pension, you can use this new information to get a clearer picture of your savings, and identify any changes you can make. Use the  Retirement Budgeting Calculator, which considers leisure activities, how many holidays you’d like per year, and where you plan of livingas a guide for how much you’ll need to save for the life you want after work.

Pension Planner

Log into or register for your myFund account to use the Pension Planner, where you can request an estimate of your benefits as they currently stand.