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Joining the Fund
In the Fund
Paying into 1970 or 2007 section
3 things you should do
My options
My benefits
AVCs: boosting my benefits
Your tax limits
Looking after your loved ones
Life changes
Work out your costs
Leaving the Fund
Transferring benefits
Help and advice
Paying into CARE
Understanding your benefits
My options
3 things you should do
Looking after your loved ones
Your tax limits
AVC Extra — saving more
Transferring your benefits
Life's big changes
Opting out
Help and advice
No longer paying in
Planning for retirement
Types of retirement
Applying for my pension
Saving for retirement
My options
Pension transfers and retirement
Help and advice
I want to join BRASS
I'm a BRASS member
My fund choices
BRASS forms
Prices and performance charts
How can I take my BRASS?
AVC Extra
Your Maximum Pension Age and maximum membership
Pension payments and P60s
Pension payment calendar
Death benefits
Annual pension increase
The State Pension
Returning to work?
Useful contacts
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Overseas bank details
Retirement Budgeting Calculator
Read as you Need guides
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Frequently asked questions
Latest news
Reporting a member's death
Divorce and my pension
Pension scams
Report & Accounts
Sustainable Ownership Report
Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Report
Statement of Investment Principles
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